Thursday, September 3, 2009

Legs feeling good!!

3 weeks out and my legs are feeling pretty good. Yesterday called for 3 x 15' @ FTP with 4' rest in between. With little effort, I managed:


I followed this up with a 30' brick run with 10' @ 8:48, 10' @ 7:14, and 10' @ 7:32.

Today called for a 1:45 run consisting of:

40' @ 8:48 - 8:20, 15' @ 7:32, 5' @ 7:14, 10' @ 7:55, 15' @ 7:32, 5' @ 7:14, and 15' @ 7:53. Finished with 13.1 miles in 1:44. Legs felt great for the entire run and overall, I liked running at the 7:32 versus the 7:55.

2100yds tomorrow and then 3.5 hours on the bike Saturday, 2 hours on Sunday with a 20' brick run.

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